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It's a pleasure working with all of my equine clients, and it's wonderful when their owners get in touch and share their improvements and successes!

Hayley & Goldie
Sarah arrived and after going through a very thorough run through of Goldie's history she got straight to work on our little mare. Super knowledgeable and a really lovely to talk to, Sarah really knows her stuff. We discovered a little tension through the back and Sarah advised her saddle to be looked at, and slight pressure through the poll. Sarah worked on these areas and Goldie signed and trumped with the release! Sarah gave Mabel some ridden exercise tips to work on and I just wish she could have given me a massage too! Would highly recommend Sarah!
Summer & Jackson
Hey Sarah, thank you so much, they all seemed so much better today!

​Hopefully much better at the show tomorrow. Thank you again they loved it!
Vikki & Rocky
So I rode Rocky first time today since massage and OMG he was a firecracker!! He Felt incredible and has stopped his excessive yawning now too after bridle came off (nothing and normally does about 10!!). He was so supple and had serious zoomies! Thank you he felt about 10 again.
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